
Today or To die

Hear we go !

I love cake !!

My friend brought me some cake today. It was very dericious ! My stomach and my heart were filled.Thanks good friends !


Today is my birthday! I am grateful that I can spend my time well. Thank you to everyone who met. I will do my best today from today with new feelings, so I would appreciate your favor.A rainbow came out a while ago!I want to be a bridge.…


シンプルな黄金法則:マナブさん _____________ | PV × CTR × CVR | |アクセス数 クリック数 成約数 | 例)スタディサプリを販売するには 1.PV:アクセス数 キーワードの概念の理解を行う。=Googleの検索エンジンの理解 「キーワード」が大切。 …

Pasta with eggplant and tomato and sausage!

It was rainy all day today. On such a melancholy day, I want to eat delicious rice! I was able to make it well ♪

Today's menu is ...

Today's menu is Chiken Nanban. ate too much ...


This nail is an Aladdin specification.

Level.5 !?

Evacuation instructions were issued to 1 million people in Kyushu!

Level.5 !?

Evacuation instructions were issued to 1 million people in Kyushu!

We've come to the halfway point of 2019!

Alrady,We've come to the halfway point of 2019.July… oh,my BD soon.